Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn is here. And Stephenie Meyer is a genius!! Well It came out saturday morning, and david went at 6:45 to pick up 4 copies for me and 3 friends. What a guy! I havent put it down but to do the chores, eat, sleep, which i get little of because i am up reading.!!!! I am almost done, and This is her best yet. What will I do when this is her finale and Edward Jacob and Bella have an end to their story???? I love to read, and didn't enjoy til later in my years, but I can't wait to find more intriguing stories to read about. Happy reading.........


James Hoopes said...

Thanks for the comments on the blog, it is fun to share, I don't read the books myself but the wife really enjoyed them!

Meredith said...

I am slow to catch up on reading everyone's blogs...I am slowly getting mine updated after summer's travels and have been even slower to read everyone else's blogs! I still need to plow thru the other two after twilight so I will be behind on this one...I have just laughed at how many of my friends went crazy this weekend!

Erin said...

I am totally with you! She is a genius and I am sad that it's over but it was definitely worth it. James pre-ordered it for me so it came on Sat. after we went to the beach. I didn't realize it, but James took me upstairs and locked the door...the book was on the bed and he told me to enjoy while he took the kids for the rest of the day. Aren't our husbands great!

Bridget said...

My mom has already read it twice! I get her copy next week! I can't wait.

zippy said...

Thanks Dave for picking up a copy for me...I still owe you! You guys rock!

Andrea said...

AMEN!!! I love these books! I literally can't put them down. It takes one of the kids crying or screaming for me to even look up! It's pathetic, I know! I am glad someone (or should I say everyone) loves them as much as me!

ORSprueills said...

I had company last week while the book sat on my night stand. I just couldn't resist and started reading it after the Myers went to bed. Each night I stayed up untl 1 or 2 reading until my eyes couldn't handle any more. I did finish on Sunday after they left.
Just love the story!

The Hoopes 5