Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Have you ever felt like.....

Your feet were going to fall off??? I am so tired! I have been so busy, my legs can barely hold me up. I was suppose to meet some family for lunch today and instead had to get some stuff done for scouts. I did get it done finally about 6pm. I left right at 10 am and got home after 1:30. Spent the rest of the afternoon on the phone, about 15 calls ( which i hate the phone, i prefer email), picked the kids up from school, dropped a friend off, more phone calls, then to scouts, home, dinner at 7!!! we always eat about 5 pm, More singing to Connor for his birthday, tubs, prayers, sit down to watch Olympics, and sink into the recliner... I wish I didn't have to get up. Wow, summer is actually over. I am so sad. I am so tired, and it only gets busier. Piano lessons start tomorrow, a project with a friend for another friend. Golf lessons, and somewhere in there laundry.Visiting teaching.....shall Ig o on cause this could take alllll day! whew...I am tired just thinking about my busy week.

***As a side note, this is not a complaint, just a record of my busy day...on a very badly sprained ankle. I try not to complain, because so many do, and mine is a record for good, so only happy things!


zippy said...

You are truly amazing! Thanks for finding time in you day for us--you rock! We REALLY appreciate you being willing to help us out by bringing M home. As you were dropping him off yesterday, I was on the couch with ice on my hip...felt like baby had lodge her round little head into my hip socket--ouch!

ORSprueills said...

That is a lot to have going on. My feet hurt just reading about all of it. Sometimes it is just nice to put it out there, not to complain but to let go of it all.
My thoughts are with you for good finish to the week.

Sims Family said...

Hey, I guess that means you're not getting a part time job while your kids are at school all day???? jkjkjkjk

Mary Ann said...

sounds like a crazy buzy time! hope you are doing ok... it is always fun to catch up on your posts

Stephanie said...

You are one busy lady! Let me know if I can do anything for you.

Anonymous said...

We really appreciate all of the time and effort you sacrifice for our Scouts and scouting program!

The Hoopes 5