Sunday, February 15, 2009


I have been wanting to post this for a long time, and today I am doing it. We decided a few years ago not to do the whole Super Bowl Sunday thing ...anymore. We always had a huge party every year when we were in Utah and a year or 2 while we have been in AZ but I have always felt like it is not the thing that we should be doing on a SUNday. I love Sundays. I love that we get to stay home. for many it is HAVE to stay home. We get to stay home. We rarely travel on Sundays, we don't normally visit family. We don't go outside to play or jump on the trampoline or such. We do take cookies and treats to people and write and craft and we don't shop. We never go out to get sweet treats or food and make someone else work. I love Sundays and can actually nap now and rest. I just love Sundays. Well we recently were told by someone that we should come to a Super bowl party and we said we don't do a big superbowl thing. For many reasons, but basically because we don't want to. WELL, today was Ward Conference and it was what I needed. The theme was KEEPING THE SABBATH DAY HOLY. It was brought up too many times to count that we should not be watching the Super Bowl. Yippee. Someone, actually many agree with what David and I feel is right. It was also said along with many other things that we should be focused on our family. There is so many other things to be doing. I am going to stive harder and harder to keep the special sabbath holy. I have a lot that as a mom I need to keep working on. But for my children's sake I need to be the example of what to do, not just preach it.


TheLadiesRoom said...

Thanks for being an inspiration. This is something that we really REALLy need to work on to be better at. I haven't even made it to church the last few weeks so Sunday's really haven't felt like Sunday's to me. But seriously.. thanks. =)

Meredith said...

As it should be. You are a great example. Thanks for sharing.

Meg said...

You and David are such good parents!! Love to read your thoughts and what you've been up too... You both are such an inspiration to do better!! Love ya!!

Meg in MO

Jules said...

I enjoy low key Sundays too. The rest of our week is usually crazy so it is nice to stay home and hang out as a family.

Erin said...

Good for you! It's always hard to stand up for what you believe to be right when so many others don't. I admire you for that! always seem to have such awesome Sundays!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!! I wish I could say that would ever happen with my family. I don't even care about football but once again this year, there I was at a superbowl party. Ugh!

Also, I am absolutly in love with your blog family photo!!!

The Hoopes 5