Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ethan and the Wall

Our brand new home is finally decorated by a PROFESSIONAL 4 year old child. We have waited months to see when it would happen. simply using a permanent scrapbooking ink pad,on FLAT paint. According to our professional, this is the way to go if you dont want to remove it. Did I say, Permanent?? If you are interested I can get in touch with a child that is a pro! Ha-Ha. He did the tile and the wall, and did I mention he also did his hands ,legs, Feet, Shins. 3 days later and it is still permanent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very similar to our professional decorator who happens to be our 85lb. dog! His medium of chioce is a wet tennis ball! We should get these two crazy kids together, oh wait they probably plotted it together!

The Hoopes 5