Thursday, December 20, 2007

Connor and the Pulled tooth..

Sorry the picture is crumby, but the lens on my phone is broken!.. This super kid has been through 5 eye surgeries, and this is his 2nd tooth pulled from a dentist.(the 1st a dentist didnt do it right and the tooth went dead, so they had to pull it last year) this, his adult tooth is coming in and there was a cavity and no room, but he didnt even make a sound. He is such a trooper! we were so proud of him, and then he went right to cub scouts. This little boy has sure had his share of not fun happenings in his little life, and he is still smiling!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

And to think I am dreading my dental check-up tomorrow!!! I should count myself lucky, right?

The Hoopes 5