Sunday, March 9, 2008

David, David, David

I had to give a shout out to my hunk of a man for his sweet, kind spirit. He spoke at church today, and...He was amazing. he is the kindess, sweetest man i know, not that he is perfect, but he works so hard for our family, and never stops. David had to speak at church (which our friend was so kind to come see him, it meant alot to us), then taught the 12-13-14 year olds( He is in the sunday school presidency and they take turns til someone is called) left early i finished teaching so he could fly to New York City for a job interview, which he almost missed his flight because traffic on the east side of phoenix is a bear, no food in his tummy, no money in his pocket and still trekking alont. we love you, Dad!!


zippy said...

Just wanted to say--I think you are an awesome family!! Thanks taking the time out of your busy day to help us out!

Good luck to Dave in NYC--hope he gets to sight-see a bit this time and bring back some fun goodies for you all! : ) Oh, and good luck with the job hunt too!!

Meredith said...

Wow - busy guy!!! I always wondered what counselors in the Sunday School presidency did besides taking turns ringing the bell! J/K!! Good luck with the interview - is it a far away interview for a local job? Hope he has fun and like the above comment, brings back some fun stuff! I love going to NYC!

Anonymous said...

NYC? Does this mean you guys will be moving if he gets the job?

Stephanie said...

His talk was great, by the way. We really enjoyed it. Adam took time to discuss it with our kids after church because he enjoyed it so much.

The Hoopes 5