Thursday, January 10, 2008

Top or should I say bottom list

So a few days ago my friend posted her top ten things.. good & bad. It made me realize how much alike we are and how sometimes we really sweat the small things. Well i thought it fun to
post some of mine. in random order:

1. Shopping Mall / Mcdonalds Playgrounds- living in az this is a big thing... Basically, they are nasty! Gross to the max, and the funny thing is I only went to the mall in chandler about 4 times in over 2 1/2 years. So they didnt apply to me, but they still gross me out!

2. Loose teeth. I'm grossed out just thinking about it. Ashley's class can a test to this, they all show me their loose teeth when I come to class, and they think it's hilarious. NOT!

3. Scabs- everything about it.

4. Ear wax& nose picking---- do i have to explain??

5. Revolving glass doors ( Like at a hotel or the temple)... Obviously with the claustrophobia I have... I can't go through these. When I go to the mesa temple it's rare that I go through them, but only when i am alone, other wise I use the Handicapped door.

6. People on their cell phones while they are driving and not paying attention.. I will Volunteer to be the police of this one.

7. People that don't get up to speed of the freeway on the on ramp, and people that go slow in the fast lane.. David is the one that made me dislike this too.

8. Arizona drivers... Were they not taught what to do at a 4 way stop?

9. Prices are different at different Targets & Walmart within a few miles of each other.

10. Touching meat. even the turkey david has to clean it off and put it in the dish for me and then I can take it from there. People eating meat off the bone, ribs, chicken drumsticks, etc. ( i don't eat much meat anyway, so I don't count, but it still bugs me.

Have I grossed you out yet?


Meredith said...

You are funny. The different prices at Wal-mart from location to location drives me insane too.

Sara said...

I think we can all relate to a lot of those...maybe I'll skip lunch today:) I remember what a clean fanatic you always were- if only other people shared your sentiment.

The Hoopes 5