Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Had my follow up appointment.

Well thanks to Tina I was able to go to my doctor's appt. All is well. The doctor yelled at me aain for doing tooooooo much. Every one seems to be on my case about that lately. Anyhow, I have to rest (no driveing , lifting, cleaning, cooking,etc) for a few more weeks. The pathology reports came back from everything they took out, and no cancer. They found a Polyp which can be cancer, but came back okay. So a total of 3 polyp or tumors were found during this whole process, and they still have no idea what caused all the bleeding, pain, cramping and such. They say it could be one of the things or all combined, so any way you look at, I don't have to deal with it so who cares!

David has surgery tomorrow and then we will be working on his recovery.

I have to say this is going to be a stinky summer with both of us not 100% and he can't go swimming. Somehow we will manage, we always do!


Elizabeth said...

I am glad everything is okay and hope you get the rest you need.
Kalani had foot surgery a few years ago. The recovery was no fun.

Amber said...

I am glad everything came back ok. Now just rest up! By the way I called Verrado and they got 100 variance applications for kindergarten alone. SO...its not looking so good. :( But they told me to call back in July. TTYL :)

Sommer said...

We hope all goes well with your surgery David. You are in our prayers, both of you.

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear there's no cancer! Glad you don't have to deal with all the miserable stuff anymore either. Hope David has a speedy recovery from his surgery! Let me know if you need anything!

Mary Ann said...

you guys are quite the sick family.. i hope you all fully recover sooN!

The Hoopes 5